What can you do to prevent your car from being stolen using electronic – ticatag

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What can you do to prevent your car from being stolen using electronic means?

Electronic car thefts have been on the rise in recent times. Faced with the drastic increase in this type of act, manufacturers and security companies are trying to find solutions, sometimes expensive ones.

Thieves have a consistent mind. In recent years, a new trend has developed: electronic car theft , as revealed by BFMTV. In France, it is even an extremely widespread type of theft: according to the latest figures from the French Insurers' Association for the Identification and Restitution of Stolen Vehicles, it represents 70% of all acts committed last year. The fault lies in cars that are increasingly easily accessible , with contactless keys or access cards.

According to Thomas Fournier, the deputy CEO of Roole, a company specializing in anti-theft solutions, one of the thieves' techniques is the "relay attack" , which "captures the signal from the key and makes the car believe that it is nearby ." Which is often enough to start the vehicle. They can also use a box, " which can easily be found on the Internet for a few hundred euros ," he explains. To mitigate the risk, Thomas Fournier recommends not leaving your key near the vehicle.

Sometimes expensive solutions

Making updates could be a solution, but it is still too little exploited according to Thomas Fournier: " Manufacturers can identify a security flaw, correct this defect on new vehicles, but not necessarily by carrying out a recall, which leaves many vulnerable vehicles in circulation. "

Faced with these threats, solutions exist. Norauto sells GPS trackers that allow you to receive an alert in the event of suspicious movement. It is also possible to install an alarm, etch the windows (which will allow the vehicle to be clearly identified even after a change of license plate) or install an anti-theft rod on the steering wheel.

What if it were easier to find the vehicle than to prevent the theft? The idea is gaining ground via trackers, small GPS beacons hidden in vehicles in order to find them after a theft. Some high-end solutions directly communicate the position of a vehicle to the police, who can then recover it before it leaves France or Europe. Sometimes expensive products : Norauto, for example, sells the Coyote Secure for 270 euros with installation, and a subscription to be planned afterwards.

Ticatag offers you several solutions at reasonable costs, allowing you to monitor your vehicles live.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us right here.

Source: https://www.capital.fr/economie-politique/que-faire-pour-eviter-le-vol-de-sa-voiture-grace-a-des-moyens-electroniques-1492481

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